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NCAS events use the FUR rating system.


F is for Family Friendly.
These events are appropriate for all ages. This means the panel will have family friendly language and content.


  • No curse words are to be spoken during the panel.

  • No sexual innuendos / content are to be mentioned during the panel.

  • No substance use mentioned during the event.

  • Discussion of illegal activities for the purposes of education is allowed. For example, our programming team would allow panels such as "Famous Outlaws of the Wild West," "How Phishing Works and How Not to Get Hooked," and "It's Illegal to Carry an Ice Cream Cone in Your Back Pocket and Other Silly Laws." However, we do not allow 1) specific instructions on how to commit crimes, 2) incriminating yourself or others by discussing involvement in illegal activities.

  • Cartoonish violence is allowed (no gore, think Three Stooges, Looney Tunes, ect.).



U is for Underage Caution.

These events have some content that may not be appropriate for those under 13. This means there could be some strong language, crude humor, brief legal substance references, or graphic violence mentioned. 


  • All content from Family Friendly panels is allowed.

  • All curse words are allowed, but we do ask that usage be limited to no more than three times.

  • Sexual innuendos are allowed (Disney adult humor, that's what she said, eyebrow wiggles at the right moment, ect.) within reason during the panel.

  • No explicit sexual content is to be mentioned during the panel.

  • No illicit substance use mentioned during the event.

  • Explicit violence can be discussed within reason.



R is for Restricted

CFF does not host events of this category.



R+ is for 21 only events.

CFF does not host events of this category.




All panelists are required to follow our Code of Conduct during the event or panel.





All warnings will be given by a member of Programming either verbally during the panel, which we will write down for record keeping, or after the panel via our official contact method for the panelist. 


There are two types of warnings, Light and Serious. Light warnings are given for reasons the Programming Team has decided are lesser offenses because they can happen by accident or as slips of the tongue. Serious warnings are offenses that cannot be overlooked and will need to be addressed. 


If a single panel has three or more Light Warnings it will result in the Panelist being reviewed by the Programming Team to determine if they are allowed to host future panels at NCAS events. If one or more Serious Warnings are given to a Panelist they will be reviewed by our Programming Team on their eligibility to host future panels at NCAS events. If the Code of Conduct is broken during a panel the incident will be reported to NCAS Security. 


Reasons Light Warnings are Given: 

  • If a Panelist introduces content of behavior into their panel that is at the next content rating (U Rated Content in an F Rated Panel, R Rated Content in a U Rated Panel).

  • Being more than 10 minutes late to run their panel.

  • Keeping control of the room either with noise level or rowdiness.


Reasons Serious Warnings are Given: 

  • If a Panelist introduces content or behavior into their panel that jumps two content rating levels (R Rated Content in an F Rated Panel).

  • Not showing up for their panel.

  • Disrespecting any attendee, volunteer, or staff member during the event.

  • Breaking our Code of Conduct.

  • Not being sober during the panel

Panel Content Rating System

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